Kirk Field is a rave reporter and author of the book, 'Rave New World' which is a first-hand account of what raving was like in the late 80's, where it all started. His inspiration for writing this book stemmed from the articles he read about the raves he experienced himself, as they were inaccurate in his words. He felt that it was justice to everyone in that rave to bring the truth to light.
I wanted to speak to him about his experiences in the 80's when the rave scene exploded, and the general drugs/substances people were taking and how it affected the mood.
Why was it so important for you to write the true accounts of your experiences at raves, rather than what the articles came out with?
What is your opinion on experimenting with illicit drugs for recreational use?
Have you seen a change in the drugs being used at raves from ecstasy to ketamine?